Mon to Fri. 8am to 6pm

Tens of thousands of young girls monthly period causes them to miss more than sixweeks  of school a year because they do not have a pad.

Health Innovation

What we do

“We believe that by improving and ensuring equal access to healthcare for all people worldwide, we can save lives and transform communities. Our focus is empowering innovators closest to the world’s health challenges because they have the knowledge and are best positioned to develop lasting solutions.

We connectwith stakeholders and partners to outsource funding and resources to support our bold ideas, test them, and transition to scale innovations that make a profound difference. By leveraging these innovative strategies, we can make healthcare education more engaging, accessible, and effective for young people, leading to a more informed and health-conscious generation.We challenge stigma, discrimination, attitudes, and laws that undermine human rights, including Gender stereotypes and young girls’ and women’s rights.

Educational Games and Apps:
Develop gamified apps and online games that teach about health topics such as nutrition, physical activity, mental health, and disease prevention.

Virtual Reality (VR) Simulations:
This innovative approach allows students to experience medical procedures, patient care, and emergency response in an immersive environment, enhancing their learning experience and preparing them for real-world healthcare situations.

Health Campaigns:
Utilize social media platforms to run engaging health education campaigns featuring relatable influencers and healthcare professionals.

Interactive Q&A Sessions:
Host live Q&A sessions with doctors, nutritionists, and other health experts on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.


Peer Educator Programs:
Train young people to become peer educators who can share health information and resources with their peers.

Mentorship Schemes:
Connect youth with mentors in the healthcare field who can provide guidance, career advice, and real-world insights into health professions.

Health Awareness Campaigns:
Involve youth in planning and executing community health awareness campaigns, such as anti-smoking drives, vaccination promotion, and mental health workshops.

Service-Learning Projects:
Encourage participation in service-learning projects that address local health needs, such as organizing health fairs or volunteering at clinics.

Online Courses and Webinars:
Offer accessible or affordable online courses and webinars on various health topics, using multimedia content to keep learners engaged.

Interactive Websites:
Develop interactive websites with quizzes, videos, and infographics to educate about health topics engagingly.

Online Courses and Webinars:
Offer accessible or affordable online courses and webinars on various health topics, using multimedia content to keep learners engaged.

Interactive Websites:
Develop interactive websites with quizzes, videos, and infographics to educate about health topics engagingly.

Integrated Curriculum:
Integrate health education into the school curriculum, including personal hygiene, mental health, sexual education, and first aid.

Health Clubs:
Establish health clubs in schools and universities where students can learn about health issues, organize events, and participate in health-promoting activities.

Medical Workshops:
Conduct hands-on workshops on first aid, CPR, and basic medical skills, giving students practical knowledge and confidence.

Health Simulations:
Create simulation labs where students can practice medical procedures, patient interaction, and decision-making in a controlled environment.

Student-Led Campaigns
Support student-led initiatives and campaigns on health topics they are passionate about, providing resources and platforms for broader reach.

Innovation Challenges:
Organize health innovation challenges where young people can develop and pitch solutions to health problems, with the best ideas receiving implementation support.

Health-Themed Art Projects:
Encourage youth to express health-related issues through art, music, theatre, and film, creating impactful and relatable messages.

Use storytelling to convey health messages through written stories, podcasts, or video documentaries featuring real-life experiences.

Personal Health Trackers:
Promote apps that help young people track their physical activity, nutrition, sleep, and mental health, providing personalized tips and feedback.

Telehealth Platforms:
Introduce youth to telehealth services where they can access health information and consultations online, increasing accessibility and comfort.

Partnerships with EdTech Companies:
Collaborate with EdTech companies to develop innovative health education tools and resources for young audiences.

Hackathons and competitions:
Host hackathons and competitions with tech companies to develop apps and tools that address health education challenges.

Health Exchange Programs:
Facilitate international exchange programs focused on health education, allowing youth to learn about healthcare systems and practices in different countries.

Global Health Initiatives:
Encourage participation in global health initiatives and projects, broadening their perspective on healthcare challenges and solutions.

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