Mon to Fri. 8am to 6pm


Team Cameroon

Our team comprises a dedicated team of esteemed professionals who specialize in youth-related matters and are committed to addressing the needs of young people. These individuals generously volunteer their expertise to support PEP Africa. They oversee the efficient utilization of donations by meticulously auditing and controlling the organization’s financial records and policies, ensuring transparency and accountability to our supporters.

The Problems

  • Unemployment: High youth unemployment rates remain a significant concern in Cameroon. Many young people struggle to find stable employment opportunities, leading to economic insecurity and reliance on informal or precarious work.
  • Healthcare Access: Despite improvements, access to healthcare services remains challenging for many young Cameroonians, particularly those in rural areas. Issues such as limited healthcare infrastructure, inadequate healthcare funding, and high medical care costs can hinder young people’s access to essential health services.
  • Gender Inequality: Gender disparities persist in Cameroon, affecting young women and girls disproportionately. Challenges include limited access to education, early marriage, gender-based violence, and unequal participation in decision-making processes, which constrain young women’s opportunities for personal and professional development.
  • Conflict and Insecurity: In regions affected by conflict and insecurity, such as the Anglophone crisis in the Northwest and Southwest regions, youth face heightened risks of violence, displacement, and disruptions to education and livelihoods. The ongoing conflict exacerbates existing challenges and undermines prospects for peace and stability.

Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive strategies prioritizing investments in education, healthcare, employment, and youth empowerment programs. Additionally, efforts to promote inclusive governance, gender equality, and peacebuilding are essential for creating an enabling environment for youth development and social progress in Cameroon.

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