Mon to Fri. 8am to 6pm


Team Belgium

Our team comprises a dedicated team of esteemed professionals who specialize in youth-related matters and are committed to addressing the needs of young people. These individuals generously volunteer their expertise to support PEP Africa. They oversee the efficient utilization of donations by meticulously auditing and controlling the organization’s financial records and policies, ensuring transparency and accountability to our supporters.

The Problems

  • Social Integration and Inclusion**: Young people from migrant backgrounds or ethnic minorities may face discrimination and barriers to social integration. Addressing issues of social exclusion, promoting diversity and inclusion, and fostering a sense of belonging among all young people are essential for building cohesive communities.
  • Mental Health Issues*: Mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and stress, are increasingly recognized as significant concerns among young people in Belgium. Factors such as academic pressure, social media usage, and socioeconomic stressors can contribute to mental health challenges. Access to mental health services and resources for early intervention and support are essential.

Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach involving government, civil society, educational institutions, and the private sector. Investments in education, employment opportunities, mental health services, affordable housing, and environmental sustainability are essential for supporting the well-being and future success of young people in Belgium.

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