Mon to Fri. 8am to 6pm


Study And Work Abroad ( SAWA) initiative

“The rationale is not to look for what the SAWA can do for you (Dreamer) but to see what you (Dreamer) can do for yourself through the SAWA project.” We hope this helps you (Dreamer) understand the advantages of the SAWA Project.

Study and Work Abroad (SAWA) is a 12-week community commitment program that engages you (Dreamer) in traveling to different countries, cities, communities, and cultures (Counterpart) to advance social development and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through diversity and inclusion.

It is an initiative of PEP Africa that promotes an intense but rewarding experience that benefits you (Dreamer) in many ways.

SAWA challenges you (Dreamer) to leave your comfort zone and face new situations. Learn to be more independent, confident, resilient, and open-minded. Discover more about yourself, your interests, goals, and values, and develop a global mindset.

SAWA offers challenges that make life more meaningful and worthwhile. Much depends on your (Dreamer) willingness to identify and pursue these opportunities and a sense of social responsibility. SAWA supports you (Dreamer) in gaining valuable knowledge, skills, and experience that can boost your academic performance and employability. You (Dreamer) also develop transferable skills, build professional networks, and connect with people from different fields and backgrounds.


Contact us to assist you (Dreamer) in planning your journey if you (Dreamer) want to pursue this option. Email with the subject “Plan my Dream.

NEXT STEP: A staff will schedule an appointment with you to begin your orientation.

Good luck!

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