Study and Work Abroad = (SAWA) is a 12-week community commitment program that engages you = (Dreamer) to travel to different countries, cities, communities, and cultures (Counterpart) to advance social development and the United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through diversity and inclusion. It is an initiative of PEP Africa that promotes an intense but rewarding experience benefiting you = (Dreamer) in many ways.
SAWA pushes Dreamers to venture outside of their comfort zone and face unknown experiences. The goal of this challenge is to encourage independence, confidence, resilience, and an open mind. Dreamer will go on a self-discovery journey, exploring their hobbies, ambitions, and values. They will also develop a global worldview, accepting diverse opinions and embracing a more interconnected world as a result of this process.
SAWA offers challenges that make life more meaningful and worthwhile. Much depends on your (Dreamer) willingness to identify and pursue these opportunities and a sense of social responsibility. SAWA supports you (Dreamer) in gaining valuable knowledge, skills, and experience that can boost your academic performance and employability. You (Dreamer) also develop transferable skills, build professional networks, and connect with people from different fields and backgrounds.
Since 2020, The opportunities have been impressive; over 275 alums (Dreamers) gain hands-on work and experience that they cannot get in the classroom. Connect, learn, engage, share, collaborate, and partner with a growing network of 200+ counterparts from 63 countries. The Dreamers contribute to world peace by creating friendships as global citizens and engaging in community activities that promote social development across countries.