Mon to Fri. 8am to 6pm

Gender disparities contribute to youth poverty,

Young women face more barriers to education,

employment, and economic empowerment than men.

Our Mission

Our vision is to build communities for innovative, implementable, and scalable solutions that contribute to the global development agenda until every youth deeply committed to change has the choice and chance to reboot their lives.  We strive to empower youths to be self-reliant with Justice, enjoy their rights as citizens, and be meaningfully involved in decisions that benefit them.

Our Mission is to empower youths with skills and provide them with the necessary tools to create positive change in communities by supporting youth-led/lead initiatives with a genuine interest in social transformation.

We will build this robust community with an army of executive volunteers who share a passion for youth development with us and our youth.  Through their engagement, our volunteers will move from knowing the joy of success to experiencing great significance in their lives.

Transformative Change

When a youth acquires life skills and starts a trade, that is a win.  When the community benefits from the product of their effort, that is transformative.  

When volunteers dedicatetheir time tosharing their expertise with underserved communities, helping identify and solve a social problem, that is a win.

PEP Africa aspires to be the facilitator and catalyst for social innovation for development challenges in Africa and world wide. These transformative processes start in the heart, move through the head, and ultimately find expression in the hands and feet. Indeed, the very lives of our youths and our volunteers.

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